My husband was sweet enough to buy me a Nook for Mother's day this year, and I love it so far....but the chic geek in me wants to tinkle with it and change it to a full fledged Android tablet...but the cautious mom in me says...hold on there partner. One false back slash and your Nook could be rendered utterly useless...
*sigh* So my question is if you've 'converted' your Nook and (voided your warranty) what do you think, was the task mildly easy or was it a 10+ on the geek-o-meter? I can't really see justifying purchasing a tablet at the moment, because I would simply be buying it just to whip it out and show...not reason enough at this point.
I love my Nook, and I don't want to destroy it because I want to tinker...although..hubby did buy the extended warranty against anything. Because truth be told...I'm rather destructive with my electronics. Maybe it's because I think I can fix it if it breaks..anyway, just wondering what all you techy types have to say.
Should I stick to keeping it a Nook...with restricted limited capabilities...or Go For it??? Thoughts?
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