Uugh...so I made the bold statement to quit my 9-5 by Christmas...yup I said it...Christmas. My hubby retires from the Navy in approximately 4 years and 4 months...and I want him to finally be able to have a stress free work life. If he wants to be a Walmart greeter(even though you gotta be a senior citizen or have special needs for those cushy positions here in Va Beach) by goodness he should be able to. But...in order for that to happen, mama's gotta be bringing home the turkey bacon and then some. Our boys will still both be under the age of 11, so we still have a lot of rearing years to go...but for him; I want to give him real retirement at 41.
So how am I going to make this happen?
here's my hypothesis:
1) Make a clear plan as to how I'm going to grow and sustain my new venture 7 Cities Mobile. Where among a few things I'll be setting up complete mobile marketing solutions for local business owners. Basically ridding them of their failing 'mailing list sign-up' debacle and awful email lists; and transitioning them into the new era of text message marketing and mobile commerce. Get's me all excited :)
2) Will be intensely building up Stick Me Designs and increasing brand awareness and community reach. The company is sustaining and coming along nicely now it's time to kick it up a notch and really hit her home. Bigger accounts, more community involvement and outreach. See my latest stint HERE.

4) And finally...working on getting 'my-self' in order. I read an article today about Financial Freedom and it made some very good albeit scary points about wealth and what happens when you start to get a taste of it. I say scary because without working on ME I know I'll fall victim to many of these pitfalls. I'm owning up to that now, before the 'freedom' gets here. It's so easy to get caught up in ...if I only had XYZ I'd be happier...or if I only lost 12 more elle b's I'll be happy. When really what needs to happen is be happy with you...really happy. It's tough...I know and I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to 'that' point...months...years...who knows. But I do know that as I journey there, my hope is that I'll appreciate the steps, and marvel in the outcome.
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