I love my boys...but man between my genetic makeup, my very short torso...the stretch markers they left behind on my stomach is a travesty. And no amount of cocoa butter, or Palmers creme was gonna save my once smooth belly. --}Real Truth{-- Cocoa butter, Palmers and oils do not work...if you're genetically pre-disposed to get stretch marks! End of story that is all.
So while I've accepted that they'll never go away, I still like to wear cute stuff. And since I'm losing some elle b's while the hubby is deployed, and the boys love to be in the water...and we do live minutes
from the oc
ean...mama kinda has to done a swimsuit every now and again.

So here are a few I found that don't look like they should be on a 50's manneqin...and you'll actually want to wear..if you're like me and wanna hide some mommy flaws.

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