So in staying true to my wits, here is an update to my Mobile Advertising model. 2 days ago on the 18th I launched my very first mobile advertising campaign with 2 goals in mind.
1) to build my own subscriber list of eager mobile eager people
2) to see if I could somehow monetize it, while sharing some mobile juice with them

Well day one as you can see in the post before this one..after 1 Hour...just 1 hour I had 11 subscribers...and now after just 1 full day, I've doubled that list size! According to my Aweber account I'm now up to 22!
Now I get it 22 people isn't remember that old tale about if you double a penny for however many days how much would you have? Yeah its kinda like that...let's say I kept this up and doubled my subscriber list ever single day for 5 days..being many would that be?
Hmm...hold on a sec...Oh's a HughNormous number! I know I won't see that crazy silly number...but the numbers are encouraging...When was the last time you ran a pay-per-click ad on Google, spent $7 and got 22 new member subscribers to your list??
I'm just sayin... This Flippin Rocks!
** I don't know if you wanna take a look at how I learned how to do it or not..but just in case ya do...CLICK HERE**
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