Now that I'm staying home it's super important that I can prove to myself (and my husband) that when he retires from the Navy in 3 years 6 months that I can provide for our family. He's done it for over 13 years and now it's my turn. So I'll be sharing what I'm doing how I'm succeeding (hopefully) and how I'm epicly failing (hopefully not).
Choosing to Make Money at Home! |
I'm not sure how it will all work out, but what does happen I'll candidly share with you. So if you care to see how it goes check back often and share with me if you're in a similar situation or circumstance. I quit my 8-5 because it was making me soo depressed that I would cry, and just be so angry.
So now I have to buck up and take the reigns and make this work, so I won't even Think about going back!
Some things I'll post will be affiliate links, and some will not. If I'm recommending it, rest assured it's because I've used it and it works. If you have a question or input feel free to ask.
I'm going to be trying lots of things to see what is the best fit for me, if you find something that works...don't be shy. Share it. If you find something that bombed...please share that too. It's those fails that prove to educate the most.
Let's Go!